Memory of Soul is the first project of an independent studio called Shadow Cube a group of passionate students dreaming about telling their own stories through the rich medium of video games. With our meager resources, having only the time between our classes or after work, we decided to tackle the genre which has always been seen as unsuitable for debutantes we began to create an action RPG game. Along the way, we decided to include into our game elements from detective adventure games and dungeon crawlers.
The main heroine is Meira a talented Seer one of those able to look into ones soul. With the help of her unusual skills she makes a living as a detective or, sometimes, as a mercenary. One day, she receives an unexpected letter from her old mentor he cannot stop thinking about the mysterious death of his friend. The old man has a feeling it was not an accident. At his request, Meira comes back to the village she grew up in to uncover the mystery of the seemingly natural death. Perhaps that event was just a cover-up for a deeper intrigue?
It is you who, with the help of your sword, magic, and a pinch of detective zest, will have to find the answer. During your adventures you will not only explore the frozen world of the game, but also look for clues and talk with witnesses. Who knows, maybe you will find that the village hold much more mysteries than you thought