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This content requires the base game Medieval Dynasty on Steam in order to
## About This Content
This guide will show you the countless possibilities of the game and help you
make the right decisions in every situation: Where is the best place to build
my village? Should I raise pigs or rather go into mining? Where can I find
productive hunting grounds and how can I win the heart of a woman? Start your
journey into the fascinating times and face the charms and risks of medieval
* Overview of the map
* The valley and its inhabitants
* Hunting & Collecting
* Farming & Livestock
* Cooking, brewing and herbalism
* Building & Crafts
* Trade & Taxes
* Ideal building sites
* Village Management
* Quests & Challenges
* The Family
The Official Guide can be found in the game’s install directory within the
folder “Official Guide Content” (Steam\SteamApps\common\Medieval Dynasty)
after the “Official Guide” DLC has finished downloading.