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MechRage is a browser-based strategic production in which players create bases and fight for world domination. The characteristic element of the title is the presence of powerful walking machines, i.e. the so-called “mosses”.
In the game we play the role of a commander, who controls a technologically advanced base. Our task is to improve and create buildings, collect raw materials (titanium, silicon, energy, gold), develop technologies and fight with other participants of the game. All this requires strategic thinking and patient development of one’s own economic and military infrastructure.
The core of each base consists of such buildings as power plants, warehouses, mines, defence and offensive departments or laboratories. Buildings can be upgraded to increase productivity. Some of them are responsible for creating units that are defensive and offensive. The units will not only help in defending the base, but will also set off on dangerous expeditions for raw materials. At a later stage of the game, each player receives a commanding officer, i.e. a special “mecha”, which can be equipped with additional gadgets and weapons. Powerful vehicles of this type play a significant role in more difficult battles and facilitate the seizure of competitors’ resources.
The whole gameplay was presented in the form of statistical pictures, charts, charts and lists.
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