Master of Words is an amazing word-construction game. Have fun and train your brain – at the same time!
Thousands of people from around the world play on the same board. By the end of every match, you can see the worldwide rankings and the progression of your skills.
You can play it for FREE in ENGLISH and PORTUGUESE.
Game Features:
– Unique word-construction gameplay
– Connects thousands of players worldwide (24/7)
– Achievements, powerups & much more
– It’s FREE!
To put to proof people’s vocabulary skills in a short period of time. This is the idea behind of Master of Words, a game developed for Windows 8. The game presents a board with letters for the player to arrange into words in a two-minute span. By the end of each round, players from all around the world can compare their performance through the worldwide rankings.
Master of Words is available in two languages, English and Portuguese. Its word-database has more than 500 thousand entries in it. Each letter has its own score, where the less-frequent ones are worthy more points.
Approximate file size: 29.85 MB
Supported languages: English (United States)
Master of Words PC System Requirements:
Your device must meet all minimum requirements to open this product
OS | Windows 8
Architecture | x86
Your device should meet these requirements for the best experience
OS | Windows 8
Architecture | x86