## Description
_Marsquake_ is a sequel to Moonquake and like its predecessor it’s a variant
of Bomberman. The player takes the role of a leading expert on demolition and
salvage who is out on a mission at a research station beneath the surface of
Mars. Rockfalls have caused damage to the base and it’s up to the player to
clear up the blockages so that repairs can begin.
The game consists of 32 levels and the player’s objective is to clear all the
rockfalls from each of them as well as all hostilities that may roam around.
Once this has been done an exit opens up and the player will be able to
progress to the next level. The player is equipped with an explosive
generating backpack that uses energy cells to charge bombs. To remove rockfall
the bomb is simply dropped near it and the player has to get out of its range
quickly to avoid getting caught in the explosion. Sometimes the destroyed
rocks will reveal extra cells for the backpack. These grants the player with
larger explosions, more bombs and other abilities. Abilities include pushing,
pulling and throwing bombs. More powerful bombs include rebound bombs that
creates huge explosions, and flower bombs that can spread around corners. Some
cells are unknown and the player has to pick them up to know what they do. The
consequences of these can be both good like extra lives and bad like fuel
Various enemies wander around the levels. There are security droids that can
disarm bombs, spirits that can pass through blockades and wandering bombs that
explode when getting close to the player. There are also floating energy
creatures that will kill, set off bombs and light fuel leaks on contact. They
can not be killed with explosions. Instead the player needs a plasma
protection suit utility cell to be able to destroy them. Other level features
are harmless. There are indestructible objects like walls and machinery,
conveyors that can be used to transport bombs and drains that can be used to
stop the burning trails from fuel leaks. There are also pipe networks that
explosions can travel through and thereby cause larger explosions.
In addition to the singleplayer mode the game also features a multiplayer mode
for two to four players. There are eight multiplayer arenas to pick from. The
aim is simply to kill the other players.