Marching creatures was developed by palarcondev
Marching creatures was Released on Windows,Linux
Marching creatures is a Single Player game
**Marching Creatures is a mix between a traditional ‘Tower Defense’ and a ‘Run and Gun’ created with voxels in a completely destructible environment, with varied scenarios, many enemies and a full arsenal to stop them.**
**There are three types of towers: Physical Attack, Magical Attack and Special. You will also have several types of attack spells, buff and debuff.**
**You have 2 types of resources, one to invoke defenses and the other to cast spells. The defenses need cubes that can be obtained by absorbing the enemies through a special defense. The spells require vital energy that the enemies release when they die and the player must get closer to get them.**
**The terrain and structures are full destructible, you will have multiple ways to destroy structures to allocate defenses or get a path through enemy defenses.**
**Every game environment have new places with new graphics and new enemies, also presents a new strategic challenge to the player.**
**You will become a new member of the mages guild as a specialist in invocation and defense. However as you progress in your missions, you will begin to notice that guild’s members are hiding something.**