## Description
“Mani pulite” (Italian for “clean hands”) was the official name of a judicial
investigation on political corruption in Italy, which led to the
“Tangentopoli” (“Bribesville”) scandal and to the dissolution of many
political parties of the time.
As opposed to the more serious take of _Il grande gioco di Tangentopoli_ , the
game _Mani pulite_ approaches the subject in a purely satirical tone, using
caricatures a la _Spitting Image_ placed in a traditional platformer game. The
player controls senator Umberto Bossi, at the time one of the most vocal
opponents to corruption in the country, here portayed in shining armor and
wielding a flaming sword. The player ventures through a series of fixed
screens, each infested by creatures with the heads of other known politicians
of the time. Most creatures can be attacked by shooting fireballs, and some of
the will drop money bags that must be collected under the pretext of “reducing
the degree of corruption”. At the end of each level is a boss, also resembling
a famous Italian politician, who drops a large bribe when defeated.
The game got a very limited release in 1993, being available only by
contacting developer DoubleByte and in a few selected Italian stores.