Mambo A Go Go was developed by Konami Corporation., Released in 2001
Other Informations:
Runs on the Konami Bemani System 573 Digital Hardware.
Mambo A Go Go was released on June 04, 2001.
* Special Mode: In the music selection screen, input the following code (NOTE: L = Left Conga, C = Center Conga, R = Right Conga)
— HIDDEN: Hold L then tap R, R, R
— SUDDEN: Hold L then tap R, R, R, R, R, R
— BLINK: Hold L then tap R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R
— MIRROR: Tap L, R, L, R, L, R
— RANDOM: Tap L, C, R, L, C, R
— HI-SPEED2: Hold L then tap C, C, C, C
— HI-SPEED4: Hold L then tap C, C, C, C, C, C, C, C
If you want to cancel special mode, tap R, C, L
* Secret Mode: In the mode selection screen, move cursor to Hard then tap R many times. You will play with Super Hard. The cancel is tap L many time.