This content requires the base application Liquid Rhythm on Steam in order to run.
## About This Content
Liquid Rhythm is a wildly innovative beat generator, sequencer, and software
MIDI controller. It’s powered by a rhythm synthesis engine that gives you
instant access to quadrillions of rhythmic patterns that can be manipulated
with a comprehensive suite of MIDI effects (called Molecule Tools). Paint drum
patterns using a palette of note clusters that provide new visualizations for
MIDI data. Run it standalone or integrate into your workflow through
VST/AU/RTAS/Max for Live.
## Molecule Tools: Our MIDI Effects Suite
Dial in your settings: Will there be a wild variation in the patterns or the
velocity? Will those patterns be distributed across several tracks? It’s all
up to you. Once you’re satisfied you have some coordinates that could yield
interesting results, press the Surprise Me! button.
Groove Mover
The Groove Mover is a way for you to instantly remix your beat. It’s a MIDI
effect that alters the arrangement of the notes in a bar.
Accent Modifiers
Accent Modifiers target the velocity and groove of notes; basically the things
that make music not sound like renegade robots hijacked your studio and
started making music. You can think of Accent Modifiers as avenues to humanize
your beats and free them from totalitarian robotic rule.
BeatForm Tumbler
These dials are designed to tumble through the BeatForms in the BeatForm
Palette and spread the love through your beat. Select different entries in the
BeatForm Palette to change what you can dial into the selected regions based
on either color codes or the beat locations. Complexify or simplify your beat.
BeatForm Shifter
This simple tool is designed to work within your selected regions (including
empty regions) to shift the BeatForms (groups of notes) either left or right.
It allows you to quickly try subtle new variations by taking a BeatForm
combination and moving it around.
## Rhythm Synthesizers
BeatBuilder: BarForm List
When you’re creating a drum track, the Beat Builder is your best friend. By
default, it’s a really straightforward look at some commonly occurring
patterns for whatever instrument you have selected. For example, if you’re
working on a snare instrument, the Beat Builder will instantly highlight
snare-specific patterns you can insert into regions with one click.
BeatBuilder: BeatForm Sequencer
The BeatForm Sequencer is what would happen if a radioactive spider and happy-
go-lucky surfer dude collaborated on a really artsy documentary on Eastern
Canadian flora: There’d be tons of hi-res time lapse footage of flowers in
bloom and it would be sweet.
However sweet as that would be, fundamental questions would remain unanswered.
Namely, what is the BeatForm Sequencer? A regular sequencer loops one or two
bars and you input notes one at a time. The BeatForm Sequencer takes that
model to the next level: Each space in the sequencer can hold one or more
notes, up to six. You can think of the spaces in the BeatForm sequencer as
placeholders for groups of notes.
All it ever takes is one click in the BeatForm Sequencer to get a cluster of
notes in any given space. Press the arrows to the left and get that entire bar
BeatWeaver Rhythm Synthesizer
With the BeatWeaver Rhythm Synthesizer, you can dispense with the pleasantries
and treat music like family. This is the philosophy of the BeatWeaver Rhythm
Synthesizer: why should something so familiar and commonplace ever be
The idea is simple: all these patterns exist in your music, you just haven’t
used them yet. But when you want to, they’re always only one click away.
What’s more, when you’ve created a beat, the BeatWeaver makes creating slight
variations really easy- it’s all about how the patterns are organized in the
wheel. So take a look around it, you’ll notice that all the patterns are
surrounded by similar patterns.
The BeatWeaver can be an intimidating mass of information to negotiate
through. That’s why the developers at WaveDNA built the BeatSeeker, an
intelligent algorithm that highlights the most commonly occurring patterns for
whatever instrument you’re working on.
Our team of astute scientists studied several hundred songs from a variety of
genres (hip hop, d&b, trance, house, rock, metal, jazz, to name a few) to put
this feature together. No rodents were harmed during its inception.
## Sweet Features
In-Line Editing
Liquid Rhythm’s Pencil and Paint tools turn the Arranger into something it
should always be- a Canvas. Rhythm is art, your screen is an easel, and these
are the tools of your trade.
Media Library
Liquid Rhythm features a handful of distinct kits, each mapped to the General
MIDI standard of percussion (which is a fancy way of saying that when you hook
up your MIDI drum pad, everything will work just the way you’d expect it to).
There are six electronic kits:
* DnB
* Dubstep
* HipHop
* House
* Techno
* Trance
Additionally there are four acoustic kits:
* Acoustic
* Pop
* Rock
* Soul
Each kit features multi-sample instruments. This makes playing Liquid Rhythm
live actually feel live. Snare drums, toms, hi hats, kicks- they all react
like actual instruments, which is great because people aren’t virtual and
their music shouldn’t be either!
The Music Molecule
The Music Molecule is a new representation of MIDI. More importantly, it’s a
simpler and more musical representation of MIDI.
Unlike traditional MIDI editors, Liquid Rhythm doesn’t require you to have any
theoretical understanding of music or the piano. It’s our way of grouping
notes together in a 4/4 bar to let you actually paint entire bars of music
onto your arranger. This is what we mean when we say, “Create beats one bar at
a time.” With the Beat Builder, it’s always one click away.
Liquid Rhythm is available as a VST, AU, or RTAS plugin. That means whether
you’re using Ableton Live, Logic Pro, Pro Tools 10, Studio One, Sonar, Cubase,
or FL Studio, Liquid Rhythm will seamlessly integrate into your workflow.
Because the testing team at WaveDNA are such nerds, we’ve even taken the
liberty of showing you exactly how to set up Liquid Rhythm with a pretty wide
range of DAW’s. Check out our site for a list of supported DAWs.
## Max for Live Liquid Rhythm Patch
Liquid Rhythm features an exciting new integration system for Ableton Live
users: Liquid Rhythm’s powerful MIDI sequencing and editing tools can be used
to create and remix MIDI patterns directly in Ableton Live clips. As you jump
clip-to-clip in Ableton Live, Liquid Rhythm automatically displays the MIDI
contents of each selected clip and Drum Rack information of each track.
* Speed up the creation of rhythm tracks in Ableton Live clips.
* Integrate with Ableton Drum Racks.
* Create and remix MIDI patterns in Ableton Live clips.
* Implement your rhythmic ideas into the MIDI clip piano roll instantly.
* Build beats entire bars at a time.
* Use your own samples to create truly original beats.
* Experiment with variations and alternatives to your drum patterns, all in real-time.
* See relationships between notes in your MIDI clips with Liquid Rhythm’s Music Molecule MIDI visualization technology.
_This integration is only available when using Liquid Rhythm with Max for
Live in Ableton Live 9 Suite. Additionally, Max for Live 6.1.6 is required for
Ableton Live Clips Editing._
Minimum System Requirements | Recommended System Requirements | |
RAM | 2 GB RAM | 2 GB RAM |
OS | Windows Vista | Windows 7 |
SOUND CARD | ASIO or WDM compatible sound device recommended |
Minimum System Requirements | Recommended System Requirements | |
RAM | 2 GB RAM | 2 GB RAM |
OS | OSX 10.7.5 |