## Description
_Lime Rick_ is a puzzle game about moving an infinitely growing snake around
a maze to reach an apple. Move the snake’s head around the level step by step
in any direction. The snake is affected by gravity, meaning if there’s nothing
to support the head of the snake it will fall straight down. The snake can’t
jump and it can only move straight upwards for 3 segments.
Other puzzle elements include a crate that can be pushed left and right. Use
the crates to bridge certain gaps in the maze walls. Keys and locks, eat the
key to remove all locks. A rotten apple, eat this to erase all body segments
leaving only the head to continue moving again, essentially ‘resetting’ the
snake. Some levels allow screen wrapping like in Pac-Man, i.e. exit to the
left to emerge again from the right or vice versa.
The snake’s body grows endlessly and segments of the body can eventually block
the way to the exit. There are infinite undo’s by pressing Z to undo the last
move. Use logical reasoning and plan your moves far ahead to solve each of the
38 levels.