## Description
After finishing part I, the player received a map which leads to a palace full
of treasure. However, this is no ordinary palace: it once belonged to an evil
necromancer who tried taking over the world 150 years ago. In front of the
palace, the wizard Vandard appears who has an important task for the player:
finding something inside the palace which can defeat the sorcerer Mirvos who
took over the Necromancer’s tower.
In order to win the game, the player needs to solve puzzles by collecting
items (the inventory can hold six) and entering commands into the parser. It
supports most commands and abbreviations found in Zork. Like in those classic
adventure games, the player can die and render the game unwinnable with
certain moves. Resource management includes thirst, hunger, air (when
underwater) and lamp power.
This game is second part of the _Legacy of the Necromancer_ series. Although
all three parts were released simultaneously and share the same gameplay
mechanics, they could be purchased and played individually.