The Last Blade 2 picks up where the previous title left off and takes the story of battling at the gates of hell to its climax. This time around, there are 16 unique swordsmen from which to choose. Choose from 2 sword types (Strength and Attack). Deflect your enemy’s attacks with “Repel”. You can also cancel game-changing special moves like “Super Secret Slice” or “Hidden Secret Slice” with a “Sublime Slash”, which connects to Super Secret Slice – just like in the previous title. And there are even some new features like aerial repels, aerial guards and knockdown recovery. Take your battles to a whole ‘nother level!
The official story given by SNK is as follows:
Long before humanity existed, in a far off time of myth, death was an unknown, equally distant concept, but when death first came to the world, the "Messenger from Afar" was born.
With time, the Sealing Rite was held in order to seal Death behind Hell's Gate. At that time, two worlds, one near and one far, were born. Thus the history of life and death began.
Half a year has passed since Suzaku's madness, and the underworld is still linked by a great portal. Kagami's great sin is still heard as if ringing from the heavens. Our world has been called upon. Legends of long ago told of the sealing of the boundary between the two worlds. The Sealing Rite would be necessary to hold back the spirits of that far away world.
However, the Sealing Rite brings together the power of the Four Gods and Sealing Maiden, for the first time properly completing the ritual.
To find the Sealing Maiden, Genbu began searching in the center of the world, from which all things begin. At the same time in the underworld, in the depths of darkness, many spirits conspired, plotting to hinder the Sealing Rite. They had but one wish, to be reborn into our world.