Been working on my first VR game and feel like its at point where others can test it out and leave some feedback negative or positive but hopefully insightful. Idea is simple. If the ball touches a laser beam it takes damage. Earn points by getting the ball through the grid and in between lasers, earn more points by getting the ball through tighter spaces and less points through wider spaces. Its wave based so hopefully it gets harder with each wave. Looking to see how far people get, what they think of the current state of the game and who knows what else. There are a couple of other mechanics but I’m sure any gamer will quickly figure out. If you ever need to restart the game hit either the Left or Right Vive Menu buttons. Thanks for checking this out.
Laser Survival VR was developed by Nonlin
Laser Survival VR was Released on Windows
Laser Survival VR is a Single Player game