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Land of Mu is a 2D Proceduraly Generated Open-World RPG which takes place in a viking land called Mu on planet Earth. This land was ruled by many kings and destroyed by many wars, but such cycle would not last.
## About This Game
Land of Mu is a 2D Procedurally Generated Open-World RPG which takes place in
a viking land called Mu on planet Earth. This land was ruled by many kings and
destroyed by many wars, but such cycle would not last. One of the kings of Mu,
Eric, The Mage, couldn’t live with the fact that his days as a ruler were to
end when his people, because of so many deaths and cruel decisions by Eric,
gathered in front of the castle to claim his throne, he then shouted to his
crowd as a last act of courage: “I will last and conquer this land as long as
Mu lives”. Eric then fled and searched for a misterious power on a jorney
towards the Tree of Mu, such tree were as big as the land itself and its roots
would cover all the continent. Eric sat alongside the tree and whispered
misterious words for days… Weeks had passed and Eric would be covered by
roots and almost completely swalled by the tree itself. Once the ritual was
done, Eric, The Mage, not only had died, he had buried his own soul inside the
Tree of Mu, now known as Yggdrasil. As he lived inside Mu’s lifeforce, he
could use the power of the four elements, and with such, he enchanted the
rivers and that would change all the life that once lived in Mu. Giants,
Demons, Goblins… They all came from Eric’s birth of this new world. To
protect his creation, Eric raised the largest wall he could possibly raise, a
wall made of an unbreakable magic ice, separating the known Earth of this
magic and misterious land.
You. Warrior. Mage. Hunter. You will uncover all the misterious and fortunate
adventures that are hidden in this land, but be aware, merciless monsters and
dangerous animals await you. Good Luck and may the gods be with you.
Main Features:
* Procedurally Generated World sized around 6 million blocks.
* Fog of War.
* 21 different structures scattered around the world with bosses and treasures on some of them.
* Choose one faction out of 3 to play: The Hammer (Dwarves), The Shield (Humans), and The Arrow (Elves).
* Every item in the game is different from each other, having a system that modifies items based on its rarity, level and type.
* Combat system inspired in old school RPGs.
* Very intelligent AI that is able to combat with each other on a faction based reputation system.