## Description
Lamemine is a puzzle game heavily inspired by the Minesweeper variant shipped
with Windows 3.1.
The goal of the game is to locate all bombs on the board and mark them. Any
field revealed shows the amount of bombs around this field. If there are no
bombs surrounding the chosen field, all adjacent fields without bombs around
are revealed. If there are bombs around, a number shows how many. On the
square board this can be 1 to 8. If the player marks all bombs on the board,
the level is won. It is lost if the player reveals a field with a bomb on it.
There are two playing modes: in level mode the game is restarting with higher
difficulty after marking all bombs on the board. “Free” mode is selected
whenever the user sets own options like the board size or the amount of bombs
planted. There are nine stages in “level” mode, with an increasing amount of
bombs, making the clearance of the board more and more difficult.
Compared to many other Minesweeper clones, the default play-field size is very
huge (38×28 tiles), which can be reduced in free mode.
The game is only running on the Atari Falcon in VGA resolution.