## Description
_L9Droid_ is an A-code interpreter offering free play of the complete
collection of text adventures from Level 9 Computing:
* the Middle Earth / Jewels of Darkness trilogy (Colossal Adventure, Adventure Quest, and Dungeon Adventure)
* Silicon Dreams trilogy (Snowball, Return to Eden, and The Worm In Paradise)
* Time & Magik trilogy (Red Moon, The Price of Magik, and Lords of Time)
* both games in the Gnome Ranger series (Gnome Ranger, and Ingrid’s Back: Gnome Ranger 2)
* both games in the Adrian Mole series (The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13¾, and The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole)
* Emerald Island
* the Saga of Erik the Viking
* the Archers
* Knight Orc
* Lancelot
* and Scapeghost
The app does not install with the games on-board, but integrates seamless
downloads of them on-demand as needed.
- Flashover MegaSector
- Euphoria: Supreme Mechanics
- Fallout 76 Tricentennial Pack
- A Hole In Space
- A hermit crab is finding a house
- Dorky Fork
- Planet Of Pirates
- Rascal Fight
- Maitetsu:Pure Station
- Bio-Gun
- Motorsport Manager for Nintendo Switch
- A Calm Memory Game
- SCP: Ascension
- Jay and Silent Bob: Mall Brawl
- Better Boyfriend