Kshatriya: Wetwork was developed by SerygalaCaffeine, Released in 2016-10-31
Kshatriya: Wetwork was Released on Windows
Kshatriya: Wetwork is a Single Player game
You are a relic from the eugenics war, an enhanced human-cybernetic hybrid with the ability to regenerate your health, enhanced muscle mass for jumping and balance, the ability to take several bullets and…you can run forever. The government stopped using your class of cybersoldier after the 3rd corporate war, so you make money by being a mercenary. Your target has key evidence that would put away the cartel boss for life, is sue to testify in three days, and likely been the rat that got the lab busted to begin with. He fled hong kong for katmandu before he could be captured. you must assassinate him by any means. A game with multiple different ways to achieve obstacles!