## Description
_KReversi_ is an implementation of the _Reversi_ -board game. On a 8×8 board
two players set stones in turns and must place the new stone that at least one
stone of the opponent is captured. This capturing happens for each stone of
the opposite color that is in a connection to the new stone in either
horizontal, vertical or diagonal lines. The game ends if no player can set a
stone any more. The winner is that player with more stones on the board.
The game can be played with two human players, but also an AI can take the
role of one or both players. The strength of the computer played can be set in
seven levels from “Very easy” to “Impossible”. Two different graphical stone
sets are included. The game can show the legal moves and also give hints about
good moves to make.
- A Hole In Space
- A hermit crab is finding a house
- A Calm Memory Game
- A Day
- (Early Access Optional) Dudes on a Map: Game Master
- Lucid Cycle
- My Universe – School Teacher
- //TODO: today Original Soundtrack
- A Conversation With Mister Rabbit
- A Frog’s Tale
- 2D Platformer GAME (Toy Factory)
- 4 Witch Seasons & Convenant
- a guard walks into a tavern
- The Help Desk