**Knights of the Field is a 1 vs. 1 fighting game made with unity developing by Cinnamon Toast Games. Knights of the Field is a single and multiplayer game where players can make or create their own character.** **Story(So far…):** The year is 264BC in Rome. The 6 year war starting in 270BC against Sicily just finished and Rome had won. Rome now gets the rescources it needs for more buildings and food. But Rome was destroyed and flattened and most of the entertainment was gone as well. So the emperor decided to make the colosseum. For the toughest and most scariest gladiators of all time. The giant stadium took 5 months to build with the help of ground magic and once done gladiators started piling in. The king had a new born child and decided to train to train him to be a warrior. 15 years later in 289BC the child was old enough to start fighting and had amazing gear and now it was time for him to fight.
Knights of the Field was developed by CinnamonToastInc
Knights of the Field was Released on Windows
Knights of the Field is a Single & Multiplayer game