Kitty Pig is a Super Mario-esque action- puzzler that combines skill-based reward with a tiny margin for error. The challenging gameplay, original music, cute characters and colorful world all make for a deviously fun adventure! Take control of Pig and bounce Kitty high into the sky! Run, jump, and boost to collect every bug and complete each level with the lowest number of bounces. Real-world physics make every bounce unique. Find the perfect bounce pattern and earn a blue ribbon! Underneath the simple controls and cute graphics, Kitty Pig’s old-school gameplay offers a challenge worthy of even the most serious gamer. Precision gameplay, Power-Ups, collectibles, and a world map all give Kitty Pig a Mario-esque quality while bouncing Kitty into the sky feels like a retro paddle-and-ball game. You can play just to have fun, but if you want to earn every blue ribbon and score the coveted ‘Blue Bomber’ achievement, be warned, this Kitty has claws.
Kitty Pig was developed by thumbgrooves, Released in 2014-02-11
Kitty Pig was Released on iOS
Kitty Pig is a Single Player game