Many go in, only one comes out. In this battle to death metal are you able to gain the title KING* OF THE PIT? Let your viewers mash and find out who headbangs the best – the ideal way to make raffles and giveaways more exciting! *or queen
## About This Game
Let your viewers join a massive moshpit where only one will survive! Other
viewers can throw bottles at the contestants and try to change the outcome!
Ideal for raffles / giveaways
* Exclusively for TWITCH STREAMERS!
* Easy to setup!
* Many options to customize your raffle experience!
* Add combatants manually or let viewers join via chat command !dance !
* Add keys that will be raffled automatically!
* Decide which game will be played next by adding the game names as combatants!
Super easy setup:
You need an account that acts as a chat bot, an OAuth key for that bot, your
channel name and… that’s it! Don’t worry, an OAuth key ist super easy to
generate, we show you how to do that ingame and in our setup guide.
## Mature Content Description
The developers describe the content like this:
Abstract, low-poly people beat each other up, unconscious bodies lie on
ground, bottles (presumably alcohol) are thrown at the combatants.