Our Vkontakte page: Vk.com It’s in russian, but there is much more info and screenshots.
And Greenlight: Steamcommunity.com
Khōra \- sandbox MMORPG, where player leads himself and his friends from prehistoric times into the future, on a procedurally-generated world full of danger and other players that will help or harm you.
In August 2011 we started to develop our project, and today we would like to show it to you.
We are trying to make it with our spare time, but since there is only two of us, development is going pretty slow :<
This game is social-oriented for hardcore players. We have been inspired by games such as "Haven & Hearth", "Salem", " The elder scrolls series", "Civilization", "Wurm", "Ultima online" and "Mount & blade".
### Skills, technologies and advancement.
With every action, you will advance in a skill tree towards new skills and technologies.
You are free to do anything in this world, since every object can be changed with your and other players actions.
Learning new skills will unlock new actions for your character and objects. For example if you learn "lumberjacking" you will be able to chop trees, learning "Skinning" will give you ability to skin animals.
You will encounter other players that will have their own needs and priorities.
Forming alliance with other players will help you advancing to the next tier skills and technologies. You will not need to learn every skill in that tier in order to advance to other tier. You can learn only half of them, and you friend half of other, your skills will be summed up at that stage, allowing you to learn next-tier skills. But you still will be not able to do actions that you haven't learned.
There is main priority skill\tech and optional. You will need to know every main priority skill in order to advance. Optional skills\tech will not affect your advancement, but will unlock something new to you.
If you manage to obtain object that requres certain skill to properly use it, gun for example, but you are still not learned that skill, then you will use it as a blunt weapon.
Learning new skills will also unlock new actions to already known items and objects. For example If you try to interact with a tree without learning any skills, then you will be able only to "Pick branches", "Pick leaves" and maybe "Pick apple" ( if that an apple tree ). But learning skill "lumberjack" will allow you to "Chop tree" and "remove bark".
### Everything that matters.
Everything will have it's own fate. Food will decompose, bodies of fallen enemies and animals will rot, metal will rust, abandoned buildings will be covered in vines.
Build, rebuild, destroy, repair.
### Crime, punishment and karma.
Every offencive action will leave a mark. Stealing, attacking other players, vandalism, trespassing, and other kind of stuff. It will decay with the time, but each mark has it's own "decay time". For example trespassing mark will decay after 12 hours, but murder mark will be there for 1 month, or until players was killed.
You will be able to see this tracks only if your "tracking skill" is higher than other players "stealth" skill. The more marks you find, the easier it will be for you to track him. If you have atleast one mark of your enemy, then you are allowed to have revenge on him, stealing your stuff back, killing him, vandalizing his property, or everything of that, without leaving your own marks.
At higher tier skills there will be ability to conceal your marks, but it won't save you against good tracker.
### Quality system
Under construction - i will fill this block with more information when i have my spare time!
* Permanent death - if you die, it's all gone. Not your buildings or creations, but your character will be gone forever. Be carefull with what you do, and who do you trust.
Khōra was developed by alex-d
Khōra was Released on Windows,Linux
Khōra is a MMO game