## Description
You play the role of a flying _Kettle_ as you attempt to escape from 30 levels
in an underground system viewed from the side which scrolls when you move.
Each level has an exit but this can only be opened when you find a tin opener
which is hidden in a Bowel. There are various Bowels scattered over a level
but only one will leave behind a tin opener when destroyed, with the other
Bowels leaving behind an alien, bonus or a jug to replenish energy. Each bowel
though emits bubbles and when touched decreases your energy, which is also
lost if a discovered alien touches you. If you run out of energy then it is
game over.
To help you in your quest to escape, you are armed with a Crizza, which
circles around your _Kettle_ and will destroy any bubbles that hit it or a
discovered alien which takes multiple hits. You can also send your Crizza
forward by holding down the fire button to destroy bubbles and aliens. With
your Crizza you must hit a bowel ten times to destroy it which then leaves
behind a diamond and when this is destroyed it hopefully leaves behind the tin
opener needed.
Two players are able to play at the same time with a split screen and each
player can either co-operate or leave the other player to do the work and nip
in to get the bonuses and items. Before the game starts you can select either
level one or four to start from and if you complete level four then you have
the option to start on higher levels on your next game.