The game “Keine Zeit fur Wurmer” (“No Time For Worms”) is an old school 2DPoint& Click-Adventure in which the player is catapulted in the World of birds. The same is happening to the human Martin who accidentally gets on a city tree in the World of birds. The little bird Fritz who is an ice cream seller in the local shopping centre and the main character of this game, discovers that human and takes him to his old but scatterbrained buddy Fred. Martin can stay there until Fritz is back from work. But as the young ice cream seller wants to pick up Martin after his work the human is untraceable. Fred also does not know where Martin could be and that is how an exciting and thrilling search begins. A world full of strange birds is to be discovered! Accompany Fritz on his adventure and find out the reason for the mysterious disappearance of Martin.
Keine Zeit für Würmer (No Time For Worms) was developed by SchnebbelGameStudios, Released in 2013-01-03
Keine Zeit für Würmer (No Time For Worms) was Released on Windows
Keine Zeit für Würmer (No Time For Worms) is a Single Player game