## Description
_Karaoke Revolution Presents: American Idol Encore_ is a sequel to its
predecessor. It still has the main basic features, auditioning for the show as
well as performing to become the next _American Idol_ in front of celebrity
judges Randy Jackson, Simon Cowell, and Paula Abdul (which was not present in
the previous incarnation). There are also new songs that players can sing and
head-to-head against a human player.
Each version is almost identical, sans graphics and controls (the Wii utilizes
the Wii remote to navigate menus). Each version has the ability to customize
their character with an assortment of clothing, however the PS3 and PS2 has
the ability to use the Eyetoy device to put a 3-D model of the players head
into the game or the PS3 can use the Playstation Eye to directly put the
player into the game. Likewise the PS3 and 360 version has online capabilities
to download over 140 songs using their respective online providers.