## Description
_Kalah_ is an adaptation of the board game with the same name, which is part
of the Mancala family of games. The game is played by one player against an AI
opponent. Each player has six round pits and a Kalah, which is a longer pit.
When starting out three stones are evenly distributed to the round pits. The
aim of the game is to collect more than half of the stones in the player’s
In each round the player takes all stones from one pit and distribute them
anti clockwise around the board with one in each pit. If the last stone lands
in the player’s own Kalah he must make one more move. If the last stone ends
in a pit on the player’s side and the pit on the other side is empty, all
stones in that pit will be captured. The game stops if no more moves can be
made by the player and the opponent then gets to count his remaining stones to
his total or when one player has more than half of the stones.
While the game can be played with two players, either or both can also be
substituted by the computer. When a player is on turn the space bar can be
pressed to let the computer make the move. The state of the game is displayed
on a CRT or printed on a teletype printer. When the game finishes the computer
declares which player won and what the final score was.