Junior’s Revenge
Junior’s Revenge is a feature-complete clone of Donkey Kong Jr.. All four
stages of the original are present.
Junior, son of a monkey, must free his father from the evil Luigi (this was
right before Mario Bros was released, so the naming of the character was an
effort to avoid infringing on Mario, even though the name wound up being used
for his brother straight thereafter). This he must do by climbing up and down
vines and jumping between platforms, avoiding the fish-like creatures that run
up and down the vines. On later screens, he must climb chains to push locks
into position so that the cage holding his father is opened. Fruits can be
found hanging on the vines and chains, which can be picked up for points, upon
which they drop, eliminating any enemies unfortunate enough to be positioned
The game runs in artifact mode on Tandy computers, and with the usual three
colour selections on a Dragon.