Juna Ranger was developed by Avibe Games
Juna Ranger was Released on Windows,Mac,XONE
Juna Ranger is a Single Player game
**[!] The game is currently in development, the screenshots do not necessarily reflect the final product!**
**Juna Ranger** is an anime-style platform game with beat’em up & RPG elements.
The mole miners have been greedy, digging down into the forbidden grounds looking for precious gemstones.
One day they discover a large radiant crystal with foreign symbols carved on it. As they crack open the stone, they awaken an evil cyborg overlord who now seeks revenge for all the years of imprisonment.
A brave and young tiger-girl Juna is now called to fulfill her role as a Ranger and seal back the evil once more.
* A large moveset that expands to wall jump, double jump, roll, swim, water run, fly, push, pickup and throw objects, stomp, as well as punch and kick
* A large variety of powerups enables you to utilize special temporary and permanent effects
* A dynamic checkpoint system makes lives more meaningful
* Lots of alternative & hidden paths and levels to discover! Exploration is encouraged!
* Hand drawn graphics and frame-by-frame animation!
* Full Gamepad Support!
* Accessibility Support!