## Description
_Jokie_ is a kids-game based upon the character Jokie, a jester from the ride
Carnaval Festival, created by the Dutch theme park Efteling. The game is
playable for kids from the age of 2 and up.
The game features eight mini-games that can be played solo:
* Pizza: The player can bake his or her own pizza by choosing ingredients
* Snow: Players can throw snowballs at several characters from the Efteling, and Jokie can throw one back too
* Dive: Dive underwater to see what lives there. Jokie and Jet explore the ocean
* Music: An orchestra plays several songs and players can tap on the musicians to get them to start playing
* Doggy: Players can take care of the dog Paco, by feeding and petting him, or making him bark or play with a ball
* Circus: Jokie needs to practice his tricks, help him by playing guess the picture
* Farm: This minigame is all about feeding the chickens and collecting eggs
* Safari: Jokie and Jet are on safari. Players will need to tap wild animals and find combinations