Jewel Casters is a free-to-play, online competitive tactical card game.
Players assemble a deck of 20 cards and then battle it out on a 6×6 chess field, where positioning matters the most. By combining Jewels in a match-3 fashion, players unlock cards from their hand and deal damage to the opponent. Once played, cards take the form of powerful minions, each possessing a unique ability. There is no bad card in Jewel Casters. Depending on their position, they can be weak or devastating!
Will you defeat your opponents by matching jewels OR by claiming the last tile on their side of the field? The choice is yours…
Unlike other popular card games, Jewel Casters places emphasis on strategy rather than chance. Goal of the game is to claim your opponents last tile with one of your minions or reduce their Health to zero by matching Jewels.
When you match Jewels, you unlock Mana Seals of that colour on all your cards in hand. That means, if you’re skilled enough, you can unlock all cards in one turn and unleash devastating combos!
Once played, cards become minions with Power values on its four sides. Power behaves like Attack and Health combined, meaning it will become weaker as it fights. With proper positioning, you can take out 3 enemy minions with one. Talk about value!
Gameplay is unlike any other! Each turn you draw up to 5 cards, enabling you to build your deck around a certain strategy or combo. Since cards were designed to have synergy with each other, experimenting with various decks will become fun once more!
Don’t be fooled by its looks; Jewel Casters is a deep game that rewards skill and strategy. During your turn, there is no chance involved on the battlefield. Still, you need to make your decisions fast. In other words, your skills will be put to the test every single match.
\- Over 70 cards on release
\- Play modes: Constructed and Draft
\- Puzzle challenges
\- Co-operative play
\- In game Chat
\- Gift cards to your friends
Q: How will Jewel Casters monetise being free-to-play?
A: Jewel Casters aims to be free-to-play in a true sense; all cards in game can be unlocked without having to pay a single dollar. Players will be able to purchase Booster packs with in-game-currency or real money to unlock additional cards. Premium content will have cosmetic value only and will provide no advantage to actual gameplay; in the end, skill matters.
Q: Is the game hard?
A: It is challenging and rewarding at the same time. The possibilities are endless and there is always a better move that you could have done. Cards drawn and falling Jewels are the only random elements in the game.
Q: Considering the release will be a Beta, does that mean that we will encounter many bugs?
A: Gameplay wise, the game is currently bug free. However, there is a possibility some bugs could occur during online play when testing with a larger player base.
About us:
Fajlworks is a small company founded by two brothers that have a great passion for video games.
We are a 2 man team looking into original ideas that are fun, challenging and rewarding at the same time and want to bring them to you. The most rewarding part of our job is when we see other people have fun playing our game!
Jewel Casters was developed by Fajlworks, Released in 2015-10
Jewel Casters was Released on Windows,Mac,iOS
Jewel Casters is a Multiplayer & Co-op game
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