JetOnline is a multiplayer simulation game.
JetOnline aims at creating a realistic, fun and challanging cooperative game.
The goal of JetOnline is to create a game with something such as Battlefields graphics and Arma3’s simulation. We aim at creating a multiplayer game with a realistic experience.
You won’t die every few seconds in JetOnline, instead we’ll try to make it so its similiar to reallife, the game will be impressive. You will see everything you do, the game will be totally immersive.
\– Gamemodes
Team Deathmatch
Realism Mode
\– Specifications –
\+ Will run on Low-Mid-High end computers with good performance.
\+ Will have high resolution textures, highly detailed with good topology models.
\+ Server owners can host Dedicated Servers and modify custom properties
\+ The game will automatically deal with cheaters/hackers through the network code
\+ The game will have smoothing on each aircraft, which will make it more realistic
Right now, we have made good progress. Everything will be avaliable to see as development continues. If you like what we’re making please share it around, vote, and help us get noticed! π
JetOnline | Multiplayer Jet Fighter! was developed by dehanmathew22
JetOnline | Multiplayer Jet Fighter! was Released on Windows,Mac,Linux
JetOnline | Multiplayer Jet Fighter! is a Multiplayer & Co-op game