## Description
_Jeep_ is an arcade action game similar to Moon Patrol. You are in command of
lunar jeep and need to patrol 900 kilometers of very damaged lunar surface; in
fact you will need to jump over boulders and crevices, and destroy large rocks
and other obstacles on your way. Time is limited so you should accelerate your
jeep and act quickly. You have 999 units of time to achieve the highest score.
Also two kinds of UFOs are trying to attack you. Purple ones are launching
bombs and Green ones are dropping mines which will explode with the slightest
contact with your jeep.
The game is shown in a 2D scrolling view, where you should control your jeep,
accelerating/decelerating its speed, jumping, and shooting in horizontal and
vertical planes. Contact with pits decreases your speed whilie contact with
other obstacles, enemies, or their weapons will eliminate your jeep.
There are several difficulty levels and best scores will be written in the Hi-
Scores table.