Indie Van Game Jam is a comedy documentary web and video game series. The Binary Solo crew travels around the country interviewing independent game developers while making their own game in a van! Each 20 minute episode explores a game design concept that the subject of the episode has shown mastery of through their catalog of games. Guests include: Rob Lach, Phyken Media, PixelDash, Stoic, Sky Tyrannosaur, Oreganik, and KLEI Entertainment. The Digital Box Set contains all 7 episodes and their original game jams along with over ten hours of special features, improved versions of the 7 game jams, and 2 bonus game jams!
Indie Van Game Jam was developed by Binary Solo
Indie Van Game Jam was Released on Windows,Mac,Linux
Indie Van Game Jam is a Single, Multiplayer & Co-Op game