In the depths of the forest lies the Delain Academy, a school for Monster Hunters, humans with special skills that keep the Earth safe from terrible devastating beasts. On a fateful day, an unexpected attack leaves the fate of the School and humanity in the hands of the most unlikely heroes.
## About This Game
Surrounded by fields and an eerie forest, away from the rest of the world,
lies something very unusual, a unique location most normal humans do not know
about: the Dealain Academy, the school for monster hunters where humans with
magical abilities are trained to face possible threats to humanity.
One day, the Academy suffers a surprise attack: a dark figure appears and
petrifies all the students at the school. His minions, the Lairg, are one of
the meanest enemies of the Academy. The Lairg mean to invade and destroy
everything on their path, but unbeknownst to them, three young hunters have
evaded the petrification (by skipping class by the way).
Seeing the attack and using their combat prowess, the three hunters face the
Lairg, becoming the last and unlikely hope of the Dealain Academy.
Hunter’s Trial: The fight never ends is a turn-based tactical RPG inspired by
great classics like Final Fantasy Tactics and Fire Emblem. Players take
control of Shaw, Jade and Gisli, the three worst students of the magical
Dealain Academy, facing the evil and mighty Lairg lizards in tactical battles.
Along five game stages, players will need to prepare the decks of magic cards
that the hunters will use in their battles. Each character has a different set
of cards that represent their combat abilities, allowing players to customize
each deck to their will. As the hunters progress in the story, new cards will
be unlocked.
## Characters
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Traits: Bravado, overconfident, egocentric.
Shaw is quite an egotistical character, although he is ready to take a hit if
the need arises. However, his huge overconfidence and rushed decisions will
most likely put he and his friends in danger sooner than later.
Shaw was born and raised in an affluent family, but he also liked to frequent
the slums. His training and education have always leaned on the
individualistic side. Paired with his natural ego, Shaw’s abilities are then
very peculiar and dangerous. Despite being apparently an egotistical person,
deep down Shaw really appreciates his companions and is willing to take a blow
for them.
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Traits: Methodical, thoughtful, wise, introvert, free spirit.
Gils’s strong point is that he always knows what to do and is in control of
every situation. He is a very intuitive person, which keeps him safe. He
normally has potions and other magical trinkets around to solve unexpected
problems, since both he and his friends have a tendency to attract trouble.
He is also a prudent person, but needs to take his time to think about every
decision. As he practices his magic, he becomes stronger and more self-
Due to his magical condition, Gisli has always got what he wanted, one way or
another. His parents always advised him to make good use of his time, since he
always left all his duties for the last minute due to lack of interest. At the
Academy, things were no different. He befriended the most brilliant students,
but also the troublemakers. In the end he started skipping classes because the
teachers did not want students to freely use their powers, and he always felt
constrained because of the intensity of his magic.
Gender: Femenine
Age: 19
Traits: Active, violent, aggressive; if there’s trouble, she’s most likely the
Jade’s strong point is that she has nerves of steel, finding quick solutions
to different problems (that normally involve violence). However, she has a
very short fuse and is no stranger to fights and troubles. The Academy is
helping her channel that energy to more useful and productive duties.
Jade was born in a blue-collar family. She was the first to be able to wield
magic, becoming the pride of the family. She was accepted into Dealain Academy
thanks to her parents reassuring the teachers that she was indeed a good girl.
She spends most classes uninterested in the matter. That doesn’t necessarily
mean she is a bad student though, she just likes to focus on the most
aggressive and violent stuff, feeling very odd in classes about protection and
shields. She also attends all the classes about traps, poisons and ambushes,
which she finds extremely interesting.
After discovering the Lairg attack, Jade joins forces with Shaw and Gisli to
defeat Zasalael and save Dealain Academy.
Minimum System Requirements | Recommended System Requirements | |
CPU | Intel Core i5 | Intel Core i5 |
RAM | 8 GB RAM | 8 GB RAM |
OS | Windows 10 | Windows 10 |
Graphics Card | nVidia GTX 1050 | nVidia GTX 1060 |
Direct X | Version 11 | Version 11 |
HDD Space | 4 GB available space | 4 GB available space |