## Description
The _Humble GameMaker Bundle_ was a compilation based around the game
development program GameMaker: Studio Pro. Apart from the program itself and
various games developed with it, the bundle also contained the original source
files of the included games in GameMaker: Studio format. It was available for
two weeks from the Humble Bundle website.
The bundle contained the following:
* GameMaker: Studio Pro
* Uncanny Valley (Windows)
* Cook, Serve, Delicious! (Linux, Mac and Windows / Android)
* INK (Linux, Mac and Windows)
* Extreme Burger Defense (source code only)
* Freeway Mutant (source code only)
* Shep Hard (Windows) + source code
* Angry Chicken: Egg Madness! (Android) + source code
If more than the average was paid, the bundle would also include:
* a HTML 5 module for GameMaker: Studio Pro
* Home (Mac and Windows)
* Solstice (Mac and Windows)
* Galactic Missile Defense (Android) + source code
* _Uncanny Valley_ source code
* _INK_ source code
* Source code for _10 Second Ninja X GameMaker Edition_ (a demo of 10 Second Ninja X)
* _Cook, Serve, Delicious!_ source code
* a 40% off coupon for _10 Second Ninja X_
If more than $15 was paid, the bundle would additionally include:
* Android, iOS and Windows UWP modules for GameMaker: Studio Pro
* Flop Rocket (Android / Windows UWP package) + source code
* _Solstice_ source code
* _Home_ source code
In the tradition of the previous Humble Bundles at least the basic set of
games was sold using a pay-what-you-want model and the ability to freely split
the amount between the developers of the games, the Doctors Without Borders
(MSF) charity (and optionally a second charity of the buyer’s choice) and the
Humble Bundle organizers.
When paying more than $1 you also got Steam keys for the games and the
registration key for GameMaker: Studio Pro, as well as a coupon for 10% off
Humble Monthly for new subscribers.
Additionally, by entering one’s e-mail and optionally subscribing to the
Humble Bundle newsletter, the following games could be received for free:
* _Extreme Burger Defense_ (Windows)
* _Freeway Mutant_ (Windows)
* _10 Second Ninja X GameMaker Edition_ executable (Windows)
The Windows versions of _Extreme Burger Defense_ and _Freeway Mutant_ had
their debut in this optional bonus compilation. This was also the original
release of the _10 Second Ninja X GameMaker Edition_ demo.