Huckleberry Hound in Hollywood Capers
Based on the famous animated series created by Hanna-Barbera Productions about
sweet blue dog Huckleberry ‘Huck’ Hound that speaks with southern drawl and
wants to find the appropriate job.
So Huck as amateur Hollywood actor should complete many acts in the different
scenes (Under World, Sea World, Canyon World, and Sky World), which may be
available later by entering the proper code, using three takes.
The goal of gameplay is to clear each level of diamonds (increasing your
score), hearts (increasing your bone energy), and Oscar (increasing your score
also) jumping from the bottom of the level to its top and vice versa.
Different obstacles such as lethal drops, flying balls, sticky, icy, or moving
ground, teleports, inhabitants of the four Worlds, etc. are present on your
way, and your jumping skill allows you to avoid them. Your take is finished if
you loose your current bone energy.
Highest score will be stored. After completing the game once you may replay it
again, but the gameplay will be harder. Bonus level is also available.