In the depths of a labyrinthine ruin, a young girl named Mion rises from a deep sleep. Lost, alone, and with no memory of how she got here or where her parents are, she is greeted by two fireflies—one composed entirely of light, and another who lurks among the shadows. By shifting between a world of light and a world of shadows, these two fireflies must work together to recover Mion’s memories and lead her out of the ruins, where voracious shadow beasts, ancient machines, and treacherous traps lie in wait to bar her path.
The story begins on December 31, 9999, when a young amnesiac girl by the name of Mion wakes at the bottom of a dark ruins within a desolate world. Following a desire to let Mion escape the rubble and see the outside world, the firefly Hotaru leads her on a journey upwards through the ruins. On her journey outwards, she finds unmanned machines, distorted vegetation, and bodies of dead children.
Minimum System Requirements | Recommended System Requirements | |
CPU | Intel Core i3-2310M 2.10 GHz | AMD A10-5800K APU with Radeon™ HD Graphics |
VRAM | 1024 MB | |
RAM | 2 GB | 2 GB |
OS | Windows 10/8.1/7/Vista | Windows 10/8.1/7/Vista |
Graphics Card | Intel HD Graphics Family | NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti |
Direct X | Version 11 | Version 11 |
SOUND CARD | Yes | Yes |
HDD Space | 2 GB | 2 GB |
Graphics: 9/10
The game has sprites that look like handmade drawings, look great, and backgrounds are beautiful. The only bad thing is some animations that could have been better, and give more animations to the protagonist to make it look more “real”.
History 8/10
It seems to be a simple story, a girl who is helped by two fireflies to escape from a laboratory in ruins, but actually conceals a darker and deeper than it appears. Leave a few ambiguities, but are details not closely related to the main story.
His narrative is good, there are few cutscenes, no dialogue, and there is no direct exposure.
Characters 7/10
There are not many characters in the story. Mion, the protagonist, is a simple but realistic character, she feels like a real girl (you show us her past life, her fears). The others are not very deep but have a credible background. I wish they had more time on the screen.
Gameplay: 8.5 / 10
The game does not seek to amuse, it seeks to deliver a message. We control the fireflies and the girl follows them, giving orders like pushing objects, going up or down stairs, activating switches, etc. It also has a somewhat irregular difficulty scale, but it succeeds in being a challenging side-scroller puzzle. In addition, the mechanics of the shadow firefly are creative, but could have drawn more potential.
Level Desing
This is very good, each level offers different challenges to avoid making it very monotonous. There are too many switches and doors, which might seem very realistic, but the stage (abandoned lab) gives way to that so it’s no problem. However there are parts that are very boring and could have done better (* cof * * cof * chapter 4-1).
Sound 7/10
This game has a very good Sound-Track, but does not use it very well. There are places where it is almost imperceptible due to its low volume or is overshadowed by the many sounds of the objects on the stage, so it may go unnoticed, but fortunately it is not always so. I also think that they should have added dialogues or sounds to the protagonist (like Link’s sounds in “The Legend of Zelda”) to characterize her more.
Enjoyment 9/10
I really enjoyed this game. Not for everyone but this work shows me that video games can be art.
Final note 8.1 / 10
If you are looking for a fun game, you probably will not enjoy it, but if you are people who want a good story, a challenging puzzle platformer, and / or a game with a message expressed in its playability, it is highly recommended.