## Description
_Hokenshitsu e Y ōkoso_ is a non-adult PlayStation 2 port of an adult visual
novel romance adventure game Hokenshitsu e Yōkoso: Magical Pure Lesson
released half-a-year earlier. The PS2 port features new opening movie song and
adjustments in the scenario content. During the spring break, Koutarou Tanaka
(田中 湖太郎), the story protagonist, had an accident at the mountain which almost
costed him his life. After a long absence from school, he returned to classes
and was promptly elected a member of a health committee. During his absence, a
new teacher was appointed in the school’s infirmary, and she seems to be using
a new magical medicine to help students. While on a health committee, Koutarou
became very close with Marina Kasuga (春日 鞠奈), who graduated with honors at
magical university overseas. Marina is dabbling in magical medicine and is
trying to helping Koutarou. What her medicine does, however, is split his
personality in two, Kou being his old self, and Low being the product of a
strange new medicine. This visual novel displays typical features for the
genre, from static characters portraits over background images, full voice-
acting for NPCs, message history, constant player choices which branch the
story, and very fast forward option through dialogues and scenes.