Find and spot all the hidden objects!
After longs months spent on walking through the magic forest, Vivian has finally arrived in the hidden church. This mysterious church is the place of the miracle water. Vivian needs this magical water for her father who is very ill. There wasn’t any other possible medication that could help this poor man become better so his dedicated daughter has decided to go everywhere she needs in order to find a solution for her father’s illness.
According to the stories that spread around, this water is able to make miracles and help people heal from all kinds of health conditions. Supposedly it is the answer for everything. Vivian can’t be sure about that because her father hasn’t tried this water yet, but it is definitely worth trying.
However, even though Vivian has found the water, before she could reach for it, there are certain things that need to be done. She will have to listen to the advices given by her father but at the same time she has to complete the tasks given by the Gods who keep this water. There are certain objects that need to be found and only after that she will have a permission to take from the water. Since her father is very sick, Vivian has finish everything very fast. She hopes that she will find the objects before it is too late. That’s why this girl will use some help from you. Finish everything as soon as possible so Vivian could come back to her father with the water.
Approximate file size: 31.43 MB
Supported languages: English (United States),English (United Kingdom),中文(中国)
Hidden Object : Miracle Water PC System Requirements:
Your device must meet all minimum requirements to open this product
OS | Windows 10 version 10240.0 or higher, Xbox One
Architecture | x86
Your device should meet these requirements for the best experience
OS | Windows 10 version 10240.0 or higher, Xbox One
Architecture | x86