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Meet Alexis. She is a real fan of cooking. She doesn’t take cooking just as responsibility that has to be done but as something very interesting, a field where she could experiment and have fun, always finding innovative approaches and new way to make the well known dishes. Sometimes she adds something, sometimes she excludes but people always enjoy in her creativity and the tasty meals. All of her free time Alexis uses for this purpose, trying those new recipes.
Since this girl is very well known among her friends as someone that cooks excellent, she has decided to try herself in something similar but related to the media. Namely, today Alexis likes to make her own recipe and apply to be a guest in the famous cooking TV show – ‘Let’s get cooking.’
She has the concept, she knows what to make and she is quite sure that she could win this participation in the show. However, to make the things even better, Alexis will need some help from you so are you willing to help Alexis prepare the winning recipe? We are sure that you will have a lot of fun but also you will learn many interesting things about cooking and the show business. Let’s start together and see if the recipe will succeed.
Approximate file size: 11.74 MB
Supported languages: English (United States),English (United Kingdom),中文(中国)
Hidden Object : Let’s Get Cooking PC System Requirements:
Your device must meet all minimum requirements to open this product
OS | Windows 10 version 10240.0 or higher, Xbox One
Architecture | x86
Your device should meet these requirements for the best experience
OS | Windows 10 version 10240.0 or higher, Xbox One
Architecture | x86