Heróis e Vampiros
As a trading game card, Her ois e Vampiros presented unique features,
especially in the strategic side. Playing either as a hunter or a vampire
(including female variations), you gained some advantages and setbacks. For
example, vampires always stroke first in the beginning of the game, and female
variations could rely in some enticing powers do distract the male opponent.
Some advanced combos could include up to 8 cards in the hands of experienced
players. Usually a match lasted around 15-20 minutes, but it is known that
once a match between two clan leaders in Sao Paulo city, for a local
championship, lasted 6 straight hours. Apparently, the major strength of this
game was in its accurate balance between the cards – not even one of such
cards was altered or banned during the game’s operation time.
Her ois e Vampiros was designed to follow the release of a TV series (or
soap opera) about vampires, called “O Beijo do Vampiro” (Vampire’s Kiss). As a
card game, players could spot clues in the TV show about how to get special
cards and powers within the online game. Similarly, some events from the game
also influenced the script of the TV show: the balance of forces between Good
and Evil in television were the exact representation of what was going on in
the game environment. For this aspect, it is considered the first online game
to bring convergence between broadcast and a PC game.