HeroDex is a Trading Card MMOG. This means that players collect and trade virtual playing cards with each other in order to build decks and then play matches. It features Solo play versus computer opponents along with both competitive and co-operative play against or alongside other players. This brand new Trading Card Game offers quick-paced matches that can be completed in only a few minutes. The gameplay, the unique feats-based advancement and deck building system will keep people coming back for more. Matches have been described as a cross between Poker and Rock-Paper-Scissors (Roshambo) with bluffing and anticipating your opponent’s next move forming a large part of the strategy. Moves are made at the same time, with each turn finishing once everyone has decided their move or the time limit is reached so even large matches proceed quickly. The suspense of waiting to see what cards your opponent will reveal next can become intense and the satisfaction of outsmarting them delicious.
HeroDex was developed by ZeroSeparation
HeroDex was Released on Windows,Mac,Linux,Mobile,Android
HeroDex is a MMO game