“Hello Puppets: Midnight Show” is a stealth horror adventure set in the 1980s on the set of a children’s TV show. You are a master puppet maker whose prized creations–the Handeemen–have come to life and are hunting you. Play hide and seek against advanced AI that forces you to adapt and improvise.
## About This Game
It’s 1987. You are Owen Gubberson: master puppet maker, and creator of
“Mortimer’s Handeemen,” a Muppets knock-off on the verge of cancelation. One
night, you decide to try using a magic spell to bring your puppet creations to
life. But the puppets aren’t what you expected. They’re sadistic and evil, and
they have plans for you. You have one night to reverse the spell and escape
the Handeemen Sound Stage alive.
* Dynamic Hide and Seek gameplay against an advanced AI that hunts you and forces you to learn its behavior and adapt.
* Four distinct AI “boss” enemies with unique behaviors, personalities and narratives. You’ll grow to fear and love them at the same time.
* Large, complex levels full of tools to use against the puppets, hiding spots, and pieces of a larger narrative you’ll have to work to put together.
* Unique “Hiding” mechanic that forces you to stay on your toes even when you’re hidden, completing high-stakes minigames and challenges.
* Dense narrative with layers of mystery and shocking twists that only the most diehard players will find.