## Description
_Hartenjagen_ is a card game (hearts) that can be played by a single player
against three AI players. Unlike the version included with most Windows
releases this version features a slightly different rule set, but the core
mechanics remain the same.
Each player is dealt thirteen cards and must play a car each round in
clockwise order. The first player determines the suit and the other must match
suit if they can. The person who plays the highest card of the same suit wins
the four cards played. The initial goal is to earn as little points as
possible. There are multiple cards that score points if they are won:
* Each card of hearts is worth one point
* The jack of clubs is worth two points
* The queen of spades is worth five points
* The ten of diamonds is worth ten points
If a player manages to win all 30 points in a game, all other players get 30
points instead.
Once one of the players has reach 75 or more points the rules are reversed. It
is now the goal of the game to earn points and each point detracts points from
your total. The first player to reach 0 wins the game. The number must be met
exactly. E.g. A player with 2 points which scores 12 points is set back to 10.