Hardware Tycoon was developed by Haxor1337, Released in 2016-08-19
Hardware Tycoon was Released on Windows,Mac,Linux,Web
Hardware Tycoon is a Single Player game
**Hardware Tycoon** is a simulation game where you run your own hardware company, influence the market and compete with other companies to stay up-to-date or revolutionize the industry. Right now it’s in early stages of development; you can only develop and distribute processors, along with researching features for it, but many more features and hardware are planned.
Important links:
Discord server
Official wiki
Haxor \- main developer
Senzo – artist/designer
Special thanks to beta-testers and donors! Love you guys <3 no homo If you have any questions/feedback about the game or overall feel free to ask on the discussion board, e-mail, Twitter or Discord! "Game Sound Correct" by Bertrof is licensed under CC 3.0, "Acid Jazz", "Apero Hour", "Awesome Call", "Backbay Lounge", "Bossa Antigua", "Hard Boiled", "Jazz Brunch", "Poppers and Prosecco", "Rollin' at 5" by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) are licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License