Hard Hat
In Bris De Glace , players control a construction worker whose job is to add
windows to two separate buildings.
Each building consists of six floors that contains space for five windows per
floor. The buildings themselves are separated by a crane holding a
scaffolding. Players have to grab the sheets of glass from the scaffolding and
place them on each floor one by one. However, there is a vandal located at
street level who occasionally hurls a rock to break a sheet of glass that had
been added to the building thus slowing down the construction workers job. If
the player can get five windows across on a floor or six windows lined up
vertically with one on each floor, the glass becomes unbreakable thus
thwarting the vandals vandalism.
Since the scaffolding moves to each floor, players have to get to the higher
floors of the building by climbing pipes. Once the player takes ten windows
from the scaffolding, it goes back down to the street to get a refill of
sheets of glass. During this time a cooler filled with soda will randomly
appear on a floor which the player can scurry to in order to gain some bonus
points before it disappears. The game ends when all the windows get added to
the building and the player climbs to the top of the building to receive their
final score.
There is also a two player mode where two players compete against each other
to see who can put up all the windows for their building first. Players can
slow down their opponents by smashing their windows with a hammer. The
gameplay rules of the single player game apply in this mode too. The player
who has the highest score at the end wins the match.