Build and play the deadliest levels together in Happy Funtime Labs and discover what your plushies are really made of.
## About This Game
Happy Funtime Labs is a 3D platformer and level builder online multiplayer
with a stark contrast between its cute artistic style and its death
Build levels featuring a bunch of deadly traps and obstacles together with
your friends. You are in control of adorable plushies and you can test and
refine your levels as you see fit. Once finished, race against each other and
see who is the fastest, the most precise and the best at avoiding the threats.
Depending on the difficulty of your level, some gory deaths are bound to
happen. If you want, you can upload and share your creation with the whole
You don’t want to build levels?
Jump right into playing mode by choosing one of the many user created levels.
## Key Features
Build Your Own Levels Together!
Happy Funtime Labs features a simple level builder, where you can create all
kinds of levels your heart desires. Easy? Check. Artistic? Check. F***ing
Hard? Check. Funny? Check. Just mayhem? Check. The best part of it? You can do
it together with your friends!
Die In Your Own Levels!
You are in control of a cute, charming plushy in a cruel, cruel world. Try to
get to the end of the level first, without getting to know the insides of your
favorite stuffed animal. But trust me… you will, and it will not be pretty.
Share Your Levels!
Share your levels with the whole world and play the ones of other players.
Vote for the best levels!
MultiMediaTechnology @ Salzburg University of Applied Siences
## Mature Content Description
The developers describe the content like this:
Excessive display of gore.