“This remastered telling of the beloved, visual novel Hakuoki series that was first developed and released in 2008 focuses on the story set in Kyoto. The young Chizuru, determined to find her father, will romance the famous samurai of Shinsengumi through a series of engaging stories and dramatic events. Now, experience new characters, love interests, and episodes in the world of Hakuoki: Kyoto Winds this Spring 2017!”
“This remastered telling of the beloved, visual novel Hakuoki series that was first developed and released in 2008 focuses on the story set in Kyoto. The young Chizuru, determined to find her father, will romance the famous samurai of Shinsengumi through a series of engaging stories and dramatic events. Now, experience new characters, love interests, and episodes in the world of Hakuoki: Kyoto Winds this Spring 2017!”
In this historical fantasy visual novel, you play as the young Chizuru, determined to find her father amidst the drama of Kyoto in the Bakumatsu period. Romance the famous samurai of the Shinsengumi as you uncover their dark secrets and come face to face with the mysteries of your past. In this text adventure, choose from a variety of narrative choices and branching storylines that unlock 30 different endings.
This remastered telling of the beloved, visual novel Hakuoki series that was first developed and released in 2008 focuses on the story set in Kyoto,Now, you can experience new characters, love interests, and episodes in the world of Hakuoki: Kyoto Winds with updated graphics for PC in English, Japanese, and Traditional Chinese!
– Fall in love, and choose one of 12 bachelors (including 6 new bachelors in this installment) as your love interest. Discover multiple branching storylines and write your own history, as these warriors battle for your heart in this historical fantasy!
– With over 30 different endings, immerse yourself in dramas of romance, friendship, and betrayal. Your decisions affect your relationships, so be sure to keep track of your narrative choices to navigate away from bad endings–and win over his heart!
– Fluid animation and vibrant art breathes life into this climatic era in Japan’s history! Then, view all of the art in a gorgeous photo gallery.
This remastered telling of the beloved, visual novel Hakuoki series that was first developed and released in 2008 focuses on the story set in Kyoto,Now, you can experience new characters, love interests, and episodes in the world of Hakuoki: Kyoto Winds with updated graphics for PC in English, Japanese, and Traditional Chinese!
– Fall in love, and choose one of 12 bachelors (including 6 new bachelors in this installment) as your love interest. Discover multiple branching storylines and write your own history, as these warriors battle for your heart in this historical fantasy!
– With over 30 different endings, immerse yourself in dramas of romance, friendship, and betrayal. Your decisions affect your relationships, so be sure to keep track of your narrative choices to navigate away from bad endings–and win over his heart!
– Fluid animation and vibrant art breathes life into this climatic era in Japan’s history! Then, view all of the art in a gorgeous photo gallery.
Minimum System Requirements | Recommended System Requirements | |
CPU | Intel i5 1.8GHz or equivalent | Intel i5 2.6GHz or equivalent |
VRAM | 128 MB | 128 MB |
RAM | 4 GB | 8 GB |
OS | Windows 7 | Windows 10 |
Graphics Card | DirectX 10 compatible video card | DirectX 10 compatible video card |
Direct X | Version 10 | Version 10 |
SOUND CARD | Windows compatible sound card | Windows compatible sound card |
HDD Space | 27 GB | 27 GB |
Game Analysis | Experience a historical fantasy visual novel in this action packed samurai adventure. Play as the young Chizuru, determined to find her father amidst the drama of Kyoto in the Bakumatsu period. Romance the famous samurai of the Shinsengumi as you uncover their dark secrets and come face to face with the mysteries of your past. Make a wide variety of impactful choices that influence a conclusive ending. Will you enter the world of the Samurai.. |
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