## Description
_Gwiezdny Kupiec_ is a turn based space strategy. The player takes on the
character of the administrator of one of the newly discovered planet. The task
is to ensure the development of infrastructure, production, scientific
research, merchant and combat fleet, population growth and trade relations.
Starting from just planet the player may discover and colonize or conquer the
entire star system. Each neutral planet can be populated by transferring free
workers. Workers are required to establish a new building, harvest food,
mining minerals or discover a new technology. Each citizen and building takes
specified number of raw materials per turn. The materials are divided into
three groups – energy, food and minerals. Minerals are required for production
and buildings. The player may trade with alien planets after receiving a
temporary request for specified goods and building a space port, with allows
to create transport fleet. The materials may be acquired by harvest, trade or
facilities production (power plant, greenhouse, collector and others). The
observatory is required to discover new planets and free workers or university
to discover one of nine available technologies, opening access to new
buildings, ships and weapons. Space fleet is divided into transport and combat
units. Each combat shuttle may be armed with weapons and defensive shields.