Guru Guru
When the incoming magic school class’s familiars are too unruly, Professor
Tangning enlists a group of the older students to whip them into shape. The
soft and bouncy familiars make perfect balls, and so the students decide to
teach them discipline through a familiar toss tournament. This sport, a cross
between caber toss and golf, has players hurling their familiars through
obstacle-filled courses; like golf, the goal is to reach a number of throws at
or under par. Players start out in a Magic Camp game mode, where they create a
new familiar and help them grow through practice rounds. Once they’ve
improved, players can take their familiars into the Tournament mode to compete
for high scores.The different selectable player characters have different
kinds of throws available to them; the player starts the game with four
different characters to choose from, and can unlock others as the game